IRFLY is an on and offline community group for creative and outrageous men in Yorkshire that are ready to go to the next level of REALNESS and want to reconnect to their humanity.
If you feel frustrated or that there must be ‘more’ to life than what the modern world appears to offer then there’s a good chance that you became disconnected from the REALEST version of yourself.
If you want to find a way back then IRFLY may be what you’re looking for:
Ultimately, it’s a relaxed container for unblocking ourselves through dialogue, exploration, and creative accountability so that we can take INSPIRED ACTION and become who we were born to be.
There is no agenda other than to be present and to dig deep into whatever reveals itself as we get into some REAL conversations, get out into nature, meditate, breathe, do yoga, engage in ARCHETYPAL ‘HUMAN’ activities, and push ourselves through the edge of what we think we know to reach the next level of ourselves and life.
Our only real aim is to learn to LET GO of anything that doesn’t serve us and to TRUST that life will take us where we need to go if we ACT with it instead of against it.
When we get to the point of TRUSTING ourselves and life by taking REAL ACTION then we can hit the ZERO POINT of getting into and BUILDING FLOW.
If you want to TRANSMUTE that pent up anger and aggression into something real and have a healthy relationship with yourself, others, and life then IRFLY might be the way forward for you.

IRFLY follows the current rolling schedule:
Bi-weekly online group for REAL conversation; hill climbing and meditation every 3rd Sunday (frequency will increase over time), daily Whatsapp Group for accountability as you move towards your goals; a deep vinyasa to yin yoga class every other week.
Meetings currently take place online (except for the hiking).
Keep reading for more details or apply here.

Learn more at my main site: olianderson.co.uk.